Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Student loan madness!

College: noun, often attributive. \ka-lij\

 an independent institution of higher learning offering a course of general studies leading to a bachelor's degree; also : a university division offering this
(definition as told in

College: noun, often attributive. \ka-lij\

homework, no sleep, dealing with professors, books, classes, majors, but the latest trend: DEBT! You aren't a student unless your broke and owe money right?
(definition as told in my book)

Let us hope that all this talk our teachers and our parents embed into our heads about college being a big deal and that it will ultimately pay off for those that have chosen this educational journey. We work hard and persevere for at least four years in class and build up all this debt and spend so much money to struggle through to ultimately and hopefully end up with a satisfying career. As I was reading the article "Burden of College Loans on Graduates Grows," in the New York Times, I was mortified at looking at some of this information. It is definitely tough to be in our shoes right college kids? Hmmm...let us just hope that this ends up paying off in the long run.
In my opinion, us as students are being affected and hurt by all the cuts in school. You can look in your wallet and just may find some money, but you already know that money is going to out of your pocket and into the pocket of your school. Our schools are getting so many budget cuts, us students are paying more for less. This is ridiculous and I believe that we should unite and take a stand because the situation is only getting more out of hand as the clock keeps ticking.

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